Inductive Metaphysics and Logical Empiricism
PI: Prof. Dr. Oliver R. Scholz (Münster)
PD Dr. Ansgar Seide (Münster)
The aim of project A1 "Inductive Metaphysics and Logical Empiricism" is a detailed comparison of the programs of inductive metaphysics (IM) and logical empiricism(LE). It is intended as a follow-up toproject A1 of the first 3-year period of this research unit, “The Research Program of Inductive Metaphysics from Gustav Theodor Fechner to Erich Becher and beyond.” The main focus in the first 3-year period was a historical and systematic reconstruction of the research program of IMas it emerged in the19thcentury (G.Th.Fechner, R.H.Lotze, E.v.Hartmann, W. Wundt and others) andearly 20thcentury (O.Külpe, E. Becher, A.Wenzl). In the second funding period, project A1 aim is to use the results of the first period for a comparison of IM and LE. The main thesis is that, while at first glance it may look as if IM and LE are completely contrary positions, a closer examination shows that there are many interesting points of contact or even convergence between LE and IM, especially when one does not restrict LE to the narrow phase of the Vienna Circle and its protagonists. These points of contact range from the correspondence between Moritz Schlick and Erich Becher to Rudolf Carnap’s later softening of the boundary between science and metaphysics, W.V. Quine’s naturalized metaphysics, and Michael Friedman’s reconsideration of LE. A thorough investigation of these points of contact will shed light on:
(i) the relations between the programs of IM and LE,
(ii) the conceptions of metaphysics advocated by the proponents of both programs, and
(iii) the evolution of these conceptions over time.
This will contribute to the exploration of the possibility of metaphysics on an inductive basis.
PD Dr. Ansgar Seide (Münster)
The aim of project A1 "Inductive Metaphysics and Logical Empiricism" is a detailed comparison of the programs of inductive metaphysics (IM) and logical empiricism(LE). It is intended as a follow-up toproject A1 of the first 3-year period of this research unit, “The Research Program of Inductive Metaphysics from Gustav Theodor Fechner to Erich Becher and beyond.” The main focus in the first 3-year period was a historical and systematic reconstruction of the research program of IMas it emerged in the19thcentury (G.Th.Fechner, R.H.Lotze, E.v.Hartmann, W. Wundt and others) andearly 20thcentury (O.Külpe, E. Becher, A.Wenzl). In the second funding period, project A1 aim is to use the results of the first period for a comparison of IM and LE. The main thesis is that, while at first glance it may look as if IM and LE are completely contrary positions, a closer examination shows that there are many interesting points of contact or even convergence between LE and IM, especially when one does not restrict LE to the narrow phase of the Vienna Circle and its protagonists. These points of contact range from the correspondence between Moritz Schlick and Erich Becher to Rudolf Carnap’s later softening of the boundary between science and metaphysics, W.V. Quine’s naturalized metaphysics, and Michael Friedman’s reconsideration of LE. A thorough investigation of these points of contact will shed light on:
(i) the relations between the programs of IM and LE,
(ii) the conceptions of metaphysics advocated by the proponents of both programs, and
(iii) the evolution of these conceptions over time.
This will contribute to the exploration of the possibility of metaphysics on an inductive basis.