International Workshop
Free Will and Laws of Nature
Alter Senatssaal, Main Building of the University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, Germany
Mar 01 - Mar 02, 2018
This workshop is organised by Andreas Hüttemann and Christian Loew.
Free Will and Laws of Nature
Alter Senatssaal, Main Building of the University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, Germany
Mar 01 - Mar 02, 2018
This workshop is organised by Andreas Hüttemann and Christian Loew.
According to the scientific picture, how our world evolves over time is described (or even governed) by laws of nature. The theme of this workshop is how free will fits into this picture: Is free will compatible with deterministic laws? Is it compatible indeterministic laws? Can we do things that presuppose the falsehood of the laws? How does the correct philosophical theory of laws matter for the prospects of free will? And how important is it to locate free will within the scientific picture of the world?
According to the scientific picture, how our world evolves over time is described (or even governed) by laws of nature. The theme of this workshop is how free will fits into this picture: Is free will compatible with deterministic laws? Is it compatible indeterministic laws? Can we do things that presuppose the falsehood of the laws? How does the correct philosophical theory of laws matter for the prospects of free will? And how important is it to locate free will within the scientific picture of the world?
- Alexander Gebharter (Düsseldorf, Germany)
- David Heering (Leeds, England)
- Frank Hofmann (Luxembourg)
- Andreas Hüttemann (Cologne, Germany)
- Carolina Sartorio (Tucson, Arizona)
- Hannah Tierney (Ithaca, New York)
- Patrick Todd (Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Verena Wagner (Konstanz, Germany)
Thursday, Mar 01
09:30 - 10:45
11:00 - 12:15 01:45 - 03:00 03:15 - 04:30 04:45 - 06:00 07:00 |
Patrick Todd: “The Consequences of Incompatibilism"
Verena Wagner: “On Reconciling Freedom and (In)determinism” lunch Andreas Hüttemann: “Laws of Nature and the Consequence Argument” David Heering: “Reasons-Responsiveness and Rational Blind Spots” Frank Hofmann: “On how to Distinguish Actual Sequence and Leeway Accounts of Moral Responsibility” Conference dinner at “Café Feynsinn,” Rathenaupl. 7, 50674 Köln. |
Friday, Mar 02
10:00 - 11:15
11:30 - 12:45 02:00 - 03:15 |
Carolina Sartorio: “Causal Theories of (Free) Action.”
Hannah Tierney: “How Can Interventionism Illuminate the Free Will Debate?” lunch Alexander Gebharter: “Freedom as a Higher-Level Phenomenon?" |