Karim Baraghith:
Elke Brendel:
Kristina Engelhard:
Brigitte Falkenburg:
Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla:
Filippo Ferrari:
María Ferreira Ruiz:
Alexander Gebharter:
Vera Hoffmann-Kolss:
David Hommen:
Fabian Hundertmark:
Andreas Hüttemann:
Siegfried Jaag:
Marie I. Kaiser:
Dennis Lehmkuhl:
Christian Loew:
· Humean Governing (with S. Jaag)
· Humean Laws Workshop, Harvard University (2019)
· Comments on R. Jaster: Agents’ Abilities
· G27-Treffen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (2019)
· Comments on J. Ismael: Questions about the Logic, Metaphysics, and Physics of Totality
· Ranch Metaphysics Workshop 2019, Arizona (2019)
· Compatibilist Abilities
· GAP.10, Universität zu Köln (2018)
· Humean Reductionism and Iterated Counterfactuals (with S. Jaag)
· Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Milano (2018);
· University of Düsseldorf (2018);
· GAP.10, Universität zu Köln (2018) – received the best paper award at GAP.10
· Causation and its Place in the Physical World
· Rostock Retreat on Causality, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2018)
· Why We Cannot Control the Past
· Where is there Causation?, Umeå University (2017)
· Doing otherwise in a Deterministic World
· ECAP 9, Munich (2017)
· Defending Dispositional Abilities
· The 91st Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Edinburgh (2017);
· Reassessing Responsibility Workshop, Cambridge University (2017)
· Time’s Arrow and Fundamentality
· IAPT Conference, Gargnano del Garda (2017);
· Tense and Tensibility Workshop, Universität Bonn (2017)
· Making Best Systems Best for Us
· Oxford University (2017)
· Defaults and the Direction of Causation
· The American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Baltimore (2017)
Elisabeth Muchka:
Nina Nicolin:
Matthias Rolffs:
Kian Salimkhani:
Oliver Scholz:
Markus Schrenk:
Gerhard Schurz:
Ansgar Seide:
Maria Sekatskaya:
Lorenzo Spagnesi:
Noah Stemeroff:
Bram Vaassen:
- 10/2021: Linking Cultural Micro- and Microevolution - from games to graphs; Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines - Prospects and Problems of Generalized Darwinism, Paris (France)
- 01/2021: The Many Faces of Generalizing the Theory of Cultural Evolution, ZOOM workshop: 'Thinking about the Cultural Evolution of Thinking', Duesseldorf (GER);
- 06/2020: Evolutionary Games on Population Graphs, DCLPS Research Kolloq,
- 7/2019: Cultural Evolution within the Framework of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, international society for the history, philosophy and social studies of biology (ispssb) meeting, Oslo (Norway)
- 04/2019: Generalized Darwinism revisited: how a new synthesis changes our view on cultural evolution, Conference: Cambridge (UK)
- 10/2018: The Causal Interactionist Population Concept in Generalized Darwinian Systems, 5th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS), KLI-Klosterneuburg, Austria.
- 06/2018: Linking Micro- and Macrolevel Models of the Cultural Evolution of Language: From Graph Theory to Game Theory, Conference: Applications in Cultural Evolution, Tartu (Estland)
- 01/2018 (with Christian Feldbacher-Escamilla): Sucess based Inheritance in Cultural Evolution, Conference: The Generalized Theory of Evolution, Duesseldorf (Ger)
Elke Brendel:
- 29/01/2021 “Logical Abductivism, Core Anti-Exceptionalism, and the Question of the Normativity of Logic”, DFG-Inductive Metaphysics Meeting, University of Düsseldorf (with F. Ferrari)
- 19/03/2021 “Welche Logik ist die richtige? Methoden und Standards in der Philosophie der Logik“, Arbeitsgruppe Methodische Standards in den Wissenschaften, Akademie der Wissenschaften Hamburg
- 12/04/2021 “The normative significance of logical (dis-)agreement”, Bonn-Bologna-Padua Research Colloquium (with F. Ferrari)
- 08/09/2021 “Logical Anti-Exceptionalism and the Epistemic Value of Logic”, Colloquium The Good in Truth. Knowledge and Epistemic Values, DGPhil Conference, Erlangen.
- 29-30/09/2021 Commentary on G. Schurz: Hume’s Problem Solved, Workshop (online) New Work on Induction and Abduction
Kristina Engelhard:
- Cognitive Capacities from Wolff to Kant. Vortrag auf dem online-Workshop «Actualité de la recherche kantienne » an der Université Grenoble Alpes (26.3.2021).
- Metaphysics as Modeling in Kant. Vortrag auf dem online-Workshop „Kant and Metaphysics" an der Universität Wuppertal (19.2.2021).
- Kants mehrschichtige Theorie der Zeit, Workshop "Time for Kant", Bonn, Germany (Jun 8, 2018)
- Inductive elements in Christian Wolff’s German Metaphysics, Conference "Christian Wolff’s German Metaphysics", Halle, Germany (Jun 6, 2018)
- Kants Geschichtsphilosophie, Talk in the lecture series "Geschichtsphilosophie" at the University of Leipzig, Germany (Jan 30, 2018)
- Inductive Metaphysics in Leibniz and Wolff, Workshop "Traditional and inductive metaphysics", TU Dortmund, Germany (Dec 8, 2017)
- Naturgesetze und Dispositionen, Talk in the application procedure for the W3/W2-professorship „Theoretische Philosophie“ at the Universität of Bremen, Germany (Nov 29, 2017)
- Time and potentials as iterated dispositions, Workshop "It’s about Time", Bonn, Germany (Nov 10, 2017)
- Induktive Metaphysik bei Leibniz und Wolff, Meeting of the DFG research-group "Inductive Metaphysics" (FOR 2495), Düsseldorf, Germany (Oct 13, 2017)
- Was zwingt den Mond auf seine Bahn? Wie Dispositionen die Notwendigkeit in Naturgesetzen begründen, Talk in the application procedure for the W3-professorship „Theoretische Philosophie“ at the University of Siegen (May 31, 2017)
- Dispositionen - Wie die Notwendigkeit in der Natur begründen?, Talk in the institute colloquium of the University of Leipzig, Germany (May 17, 2017)
Brigitte Falkenburg:
- December 10, 2021: "Erfolge und Grenzen der kognitiven Neurowissenschaft aus philosophischer Sicht". European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation 2021 jointly with 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation, December 8-11, 2021 (Online).
- October 14, 2021: "Mechanistic Explanations in Physics: History, Scope, and Limitations". Online Conference "New Mechanism, Reduction and Emergence in Physics, Chemistry and Biology". CFCUL Lisbon, October 14-15, 2021.
- October 8, 2021: “Analogical Reasoning in Kant's Theory of Nature: Metaphysics as Modelling?” Workshop "Metaphysics as Modeling: Contemporary and Kantian Issues". Trier University, Germany October 7.-8. 2021.
- September 9, 2021: "The Logic of Nature". 2021 Conference on Objectivity, Idea and Nature. University of Warwick, UK, September 9-11, 2021.
- August 26, 2021: "El razonamiento analógico en la cosmología de Kant". Ciclo Conferencias REK (Revista de Estudios Kantianos) Julio 2021 - Enero 2022.
- January 27, 2021: "Wissenschaft und Wirklichkeit: Wahrheit, Realismus, Idealisierungen". Vortrag im Studienkolleg des Forum Scientiarum der Universität Tübingen.
- June 18, 2019: "What is Unsharp Quantum Reality?" Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in memoriam Paul Busch. University of York, June 18-19, 2019.
- October 17, 2018: "Hermann Cohens Bedeutung für die Philosophie". Conference "Zum 100. Todestag von Hermann Cohen", Institut für Evangelische Theologie, TU Dortmund, October 17, 2018.
- September 6, 2018: "Some Remarks on the Relations of Philosophy to the Sciences". Conference "Science's Voice of Reflection. The philosopher of science as part of the scientific endeavour" of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS). Amsterdam, September 4-7, 2018.
Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla:
- Suppositional Reasoning. Its Logic and Causal Structure, Logic and its Philosophy (Jan 14, 2022)
- Ontology and Ideology Conceptually Revisited: Carving at the joints and worldly conceptual engineering, University of Cologne (Nov 2, 2021), University of Duesseldorf (Oct 26, 2021)
- Reductionism in the Philosophy of Science and the Problem of Mental Properties (with M. Sekatskaya), Inductive Methods in Ethics, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Mind (Oct 1, 2021)
- Epistemic Engineering: The interplay of meta-induction and abduction in the justification of laws of nature (with G. Schurz), New Work on Induction and Abduction (Sep 30, 2021)
- AI for a Social World — A Social World for AI, PMU Salzburg (Nov 2, 2021), University of Tübingen (Apr 21, 2021)
- Carnap on the Mind-Body Problem and Non-Classical Reductionism, Volitions, Intentions and Mental Causation, Saint Petersburg State University (Nov 30, 2020)
- Abductive Conceptual Engineering, 4th TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy Workshop, Tilburg (Dec 12-14, 2020); Center for Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh (Jan 17, 2020)
- Unification and Explanation: A causal perspective (with A. Gebharter), BSPS.2021 (Jul 8, 2021), PSA.2020 (Nov 12, 2021), ECAP10: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Utrecht (Aug 25, 2020)
- Simplifying Simplicity, CLMPST16: 16th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Prague (Aug 8, 2019); Understanding Defectiveness in the Sciences, UNAM, Mexico City (Jun 3, 2019); Simplicities and Complexities, The Epistemology of the LHC, Bonn (May 22, 2019)
GWP.2019: Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP) (contributed), GWP, Cologne, 2019-02-26. - Meta-Abduction. Inference to the best prediction, IACAP 2019: Conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, UNAM, Mexico City (Jun 6, 2019)
- Transcendental Deduction as Abduction, Return of the Kantians: Kant and Contemporary Epistemology, Cologne (May 31, 2019); The Possibility of Metaphysics: Between Inductive, Analytic, and Transcendental Arguments, Düsseldorf, (Feb 1, 2019)
- Modeling creative abduction Bayesian style (with A. Gebharter), EPSA19: Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Geneva (Sep 13, 2019); CLMPST16: 16th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Prague (Aug 9, 2019); 26th biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Seattle, Washington (Nov, 2018); Workshop "Concept formation in the natural and the social sciences", University of Zurich, Switzerland (Oct 18, 2018; 11th Munich-Sidney-Tilburg/Turin Conference, University of Turin, Italy (Jun 12, 2018)
- Newton's abductive methodology. A critique on Duhem, Feyerabend and Lakatos, Science as a Public Good, Saint Petersburg (Nov 28, 2020); Conference of the Israel Society for History and Philosophy of Science, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Israel (Jun 10, 2018)
- Abductive philosophy and error Workshop "Williamson on abductive philosophy", University of Vienna, Austria (Oct 07, 2017)
Filippo Ferrari:
- 11/02/2021 'Logical Normativity and Logical anti-Exceptionalism', at: Philosophy visiting speaker sessions, University of Reading. (Teams)
- 29/01/2021 'Logical Abductivism, Core Anti-Exceptionalism, and the Question of the Normativity of Logic', DFG–Inductive Metaphysics Meeting, University of Düsseldorf (with Elke Brendel)
- 14/01/2021 'Logical Anti-Exceptionalism and Logical Normativity', at: World Logic Day, University of Düsseldorf
María Ferreira Ruiz:
Alexander Gebharter:
- Free will, control, and the possibility to do otherwise from a causal modeler’s perspective , Paper presented at the PCCP meeting at the Department of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Groningen, Netherlands · (Nov, 2018);
- Free will, control, and the possibility to do otherwise from a causal modeler’s perspective (with G. Schurz) Workshop "Freedom and Determinism", University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (Oct 05, 2018);
- Causal exclusion and causal Bayes nets · Poster presentation at the 10th conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, University of Cologne, Germany (Sept, 2018);
- · Paper presentation at the 24th congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Berlin, Germany. (Sept 26, 2017);
- · Paper presentation at the 9th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Munich, Germany.(Aug 25, 2017);
- · Paper presentation at the triennial international conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Bologna, Italy (Jun 20, 2017)
- A causal bayes net analysis of Glennan’s mechanistic account of higher-level causation (and some consequences for inter-level causation and constitutive relevance in the neurosciences)
- Paper presentation at the conference "Causality in the neuro- and psychological sciences" Antwerp, Belgium (to be given in Sept, 2018)
- A causal Bayes net analysis of Glennan’s mechanistic account of higher-level causation (and some consequences) Conference "Causation and mechanisms: From methodology to metaphysics", University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Aug, 2018);
- ·Paper presentation in the colloquium for logic and philosophy of science of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Munich, Germany (Apr 25, 2018)
- Freedom as a higher-level phenomenon? Workshop "Free will and laws of nature", University of Cologne, Germany (Mar 02, 2018)
Vera Hoffmann-Kolss:
- Three Kinds of Causal Indeterminacy Workshop "Theories of Causation: Mental Causation, Negative Causation, and Other Challenges", University of Düsseldorf, Germany (Jul 06, 2017)
- Invited Panelist in the Forum "Probleme der Drittmittelförderung in der Philosophie" of the 24th Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fürPhilosophie, Humboldt University, Berlin (Sept 25, 2017)
- Causal Models and the Distinctness of Cause and Effect 3rd annual conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Fordham University, New York (Oct 06, 2017)
- Constitutive Relations in Mechanisms: New Work for a Theory of Supervenience (with J. P. Köster) Workshop "Causation and Computation in Cognitive Neuroscience", The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel (Dec 17, 2017)
- Causal Indeterminacy, Vagueness and Humean Supervenience Workshop "Properties and Laws in the Light of Inductive Metaphysics", University of Düsseldorf, Germany (Mar 23, 2018)
- Kausale Modelle und das Problem der mentalen Verursachung Colloquium at the University of Göttingen (May 02, 2018)
David Hommen:
Fabian Hundertmark:
Andreas Hüttemann:
- Does Determinism Matter? Workshop funded by a theological DFG project on freedom, Cologne (2017)
- Wissenschaftspraxis und Induktive Metaphysik Bremen (2017)
- Laws of Nature and the Consequence Argument Workshop on Free will and Laws of Nature, Cologne (2017)
- Fundamentality in Physics and Metaphysics Metaphysics of Science Conference, New York (2017); München (2017); Geneva (2018); GAP.10, Cologne (2018)
- How Laws Explain
- · Budapest (2018);
- · Dortmund (2019);
- · Bielefeld (2019);
- · EPSA, Geneva (2019)
Siegfried Jaag:
- Humean Supervenience as metaphysical model
Metaphysics as Modelling. Contemporary and Kantian Issues, Trier, 2021 - Laws and Norms (mit M. Hicks & C. Loew)
Humeanism and the pragmatic turn, Birmingham & University of Florida, 2021 - Explanations and Laws from in light of Inductive Metaphysics
Spring School Explanations and Laws in Science and Metaphysics, online event,2021 - Die pragmatische Wende in der aktuellen Naturgesetzesdebatte
Stuttgart, 2020 - Humean reductionism and iterated counterfactuals (with C. Loew)
- 10th conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Cologne, Germany (Sept, 2018)
- Conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Milan, Italy (Aug 22, 2018);
- · Annual conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Oxford, England (Jul 06, 2018);
- · Workshop "Properties and laws in the light of inductive metaphysics", Düsseldorf , Germany (Mar 22, 2018);
- Why care about Humean Supervenience?
- · Talk in the colloquium for theoretical philosophy at the University of Bonn (Nov 09, 2017)
- Laws don’t really explain their instances 3rd annual conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Fordham University, New York (Oct 07, 2017)
- Timothy Williamsons abduktive Philosophie Meeting of the DFG research-group "Inductive Metaphysics" (FOR 2495), Düsseldorf, Germany (Jul 14, 2017)
Marie I. Kaiser:
Dennis Lehmkuhl:
Christian Loew:
· Humean Governing (with S. Jaag)
· Humean Laws Workshop, Harvard University (2019)
· Comments on R. Jaster: Agents’ Abilities
· G27-Treffen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (2019)
· Comments on J. Ismael: Questions about the Logic, Metaphysics, and Physics of Totality
· Ranch Metaphysics Workshop 2019, Arizona (2019)
· Compatibilist Abilities
· GAP.10, Universität zu Köln (2018)
· Humean Reductionism and Iterated Counterfactuals (with S. Jaag)
· Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Milano (2018);
· University of Düsseldorf (2018);
· GAP.10, Universität zu Köln (2018) – received the best paper award at GAP.10
· Causation and its Place in the Physical World
· Rostock Retreat on Causality, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2018)
· Why We Cannot Control the Past
· Where is there Causation?, Umeå University (2017)
· Doing otherwise in a Deterministic World
· ECAP 9, Munich (2017)
· Defending Dispositional Abilities
· The 91st Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Edinburgh (2017);
· Reassessing Responsibility Workshop, Cambridge University (2017)
· Time’s Arrow and Fundamentality
· IAPT Conference, Gargnano del Garda (2017);
· Tense and Tensibility Workshop, Universität Bonn (2017)
· Making Best Systems Best for Us
· Oxford University (2017)
· Defaults and the Direction of Causation
· The American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Baltimore (2017)
Elisabeth Muchka:
Nina Nicolin:
Matthias Rolffs:
Kian Salimkhani:
- A Dynamical Perspective on the Arrow of Time Philosophy of Time Society Group Mtg (Eastern Div, APA), New York City (Online; Jan 8, 2021)
- The Dynamical Approach to Spin-2 Gravity
- Philosophy of Physics Seminar, University of Oxford (Online Oct 15, 2020)
- British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Kent (cancelled due to COVID-19; abstract online:
- History and Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar, University of Bonn (Dec 17, 2019)
- On Pregeometry / The Constructivist’s Programme and the Problem of Pregeometry
- 5th Annual Conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Toronto (Nov 9, 2019)
- 7th Biennial Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Geneva (Sep 12, 2019)
- British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Durham (Jul 18, 2019) (Poster presentation)
- Chicago-Geneva Beyond Spacetime Seminar, Geneva (May 3, 2018)
- How Physical Practice Employs the ‘Physical Possible’
- Symposium “Modality in Physics”, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Third International Conference, Cologne (Feb 27, 2019)
- Constraining inductive metaphysical inferences by help of internal unification 3rd annual conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Fordham University, New York City (Oct 7, 2017)
- Explaining unification in physics / Explaining unification in physics internally
- 24th congress of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Berlin (Sept 27, 2017)
- 9th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Munich (Aug 25, 2017)
- Triennial international conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Bologna (Jun 23, 2017)
- The principle of equivalence, the spin-2, and the fundamentality of space-time / Lorentz invariance and the non-fundamentality of spacetime
- Workshop "Spacetime: fundamental or emergent?", Bonn (Oct 27, 2017)
- 6th biennial conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Exeter (Sept 8, 2017)
- Einstein's principle of equivalence and the fundamentality of spacetime British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Edinburgh (Jul 14, 2017)
Oliver Scholz:
Markus Schrenk:
- The laws’ necessity Workshop "Properties and laws in the light of inductive metaphysics", Düsseldorf, Germany (Mar 23, 2018)
- Modality and production in laws of nature Colloquium talk at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (Feb 20, 2018)
- Production & necessity
- Workshop "Metaphysical laws", Hamburg, Germany (Jul 24, 2017)
- Workshop "The laws of nature and the metaphysics of science", Groningen (Jun 26, 2017)
- Talk in the Forum Philosophicum at the University of Tübingen (May 24, 2017)
Gerhard Schurz:
- Genuine Conformation and Convergence to Certainty. Online talk at the PSA 2020/2021 Baltimore (13.11.2021).
- Metaphysics of Evolution. Online-talk at the workshop "Evolutionary Thinking" Paris (20.10.2021).
- Online-talks "Reply to Elke Brendel and Reflection" und "Metainduction". At the online-Workshop Induction and Abduction (29.+30.9 2021, organized at HHU Duesseldorf).
- Genuine Confirmation. Online-talk at EPSA 2021 conference Turin (17.9.2021).
- Abduction . Keynote talk at the EENPS conference Belgrad (22.6.2021 ).
- Vortrag "Evolution der Religion. Vortrag auf Workshop "Credition" Franziskanerkoster Graz (28.11.2019 ).
- Universal Translatability. Talk at the Workshop "The Logic of Paradox" Ruhr-Univ. Bochum (25.11.2019).
- Probabilistic truthlikeness. Talk at the 16th International Congress of LMPST Prague (6.-9.8.2019).
- Relevance in the Theory of Confirmation. Workshop "Relevance", Hamburg, Germany (Oct 12, 2018)
- Meaning and Specializations of Causal-factor Hypotheses Workshop "Hierarchy-of-Hypotheses", Hannover, Germany (Oct 10, 2018)
- Free will, control, and the possibility to do otherwise from a causal modeler’s perspective (with A. Gebharter). Workshop "Freedom and Determinism", University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (Oct 05, 2018);
- Impossibility Results for Rational Belief. 10th conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Cologne, Germany (Sept 19, 2018);
- Cognitive Success. Talk at the 26th conference of the ESPP, Rijeka, Croatia (Sept 13, 2018)
- Universal Translatability. Talk at the 41th Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria (Aug 09, 2018)
- Explanation and Understanding. Talk at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France (Feb 28, 2018)
- Abduction as a method of inductive metaphysics. Workshop "Traditional and inductive metaphysics", TU Dortmund, Germany (Dec 07, 2017)
- Apriori and Aposteriori Components of the Realism-Instrumentalism. Question Workshop "Debating Debates: Meta-Ontology and Scientific Realism" at the New College of the Humanities, London, England (Nov 10, 2017)
- Impossibility Results for Rational Belief. Talk at the 9th International Conference of ECAP, Munich, Germany (Jul 25, 2017)
- The Theory of Causal Bayes Nets and Its Empirical Content Workshop "Causation, Explanation, Conditionals", München and Tuztingen, Germany (Jun 22,2017)
- The Theory of Causal Bayes Nets and Its Empirical Content. Workshop "Theories of Causation", University of Düsseldorf, (Jun 01, 2017)
Ansgar Seide:
- “Der Analogie-Schluss in Fechners induktiver Metaphysik”, Meeting of the DFG research-group “Inductive Metaphysics” (FOR 2495), Düsseldorf, Germany (Jun 15, 2018)
- “Theodizee und Atheismus – Norbert Hoersters Argumentation gegen die Existenz Gottes”, Habilitation lecture, University of Münster, Germany (Jul 9, 2018)
- “Die ontologische Vielfalt der einen allumfassenden Erfahrung – Eine Gefahr für Kants Konzeption von empirischer Wirklichkeit?”, GAP.10: Plurality in Philosophy and Beyond / Vielfalt in der Philosophie und darüber hinaus, University of Cologne, Germany (Sept 19, 2018)
- “Notwendigkeit und Nötigung in den Kausalitätstheorien Humes und Kants”, Kolloquium Philosophie und Wissenschaftsreflexion, Department of Philosophy, University of Hannover, Germany (Nov 6, 2018)
- “The Relation Between Empirical and A priori Elements in Kant’s Special Metaphysics of Nature”, Workshop: Kant’s Concepts of Metaphysics: Aprioristic and Non-Aprioristic?, Université du Luxembourg (Nov 27, 2018)
- “Kant on Perceptions, Synthesis, and Intentionality in the Second Analogy of Experience”, The Court of Reason – The 13th International Kant Congress, University of Oslo, Norway (Aug 6, 2019)
- “Wilhelm Wundts Logik als Auftakt zu einer induktiven Metaphysik”, Meeting of the DFG research-group “Inductive Metaphysics” (FOR 2495), Düsseldorf, Germany (Dec 6, 2019)
Maria Sekatskaya:
- "Supervenient Fixity and Agential Possibilities"
- Realities of Free Will Workshop at Sophia 2021 Conference, University of Salzburg, Austria, September, 2021;
- Agents' Abilities and Options for Action Conference, University of Konstanz, Germany, September, 2021;
- University of Düsseldorf, DCLPS Research Seminar, Germany, April, 2021. - “Compatibilist Libertarianism and the Fixity Principles”, Volition: neurobiological, cognitive and phenomenological aspects, International conference, St.-Petersburg State University (virtually hosted), Russia, November 2020.
- “Free Will, Control, and the Possibility to do Otherwise from a Causal Modeler’s Perspective”, The Tenth European Congress of Analytic, International conference, Utrecht University (virtually hosted), The Netherlands, August 2020.
- “Event-Causal Libertarianism and the Problem of Discrimination”, University of Düsseldorf, DCLPS, Germany, May 2020.
- “The Consequence Argument and Counterfactual Conditionals”, Free Will and Methodology International Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium, June 2019.
- “Alternative Possibilities and the Meaning of ‘Can’”
- EENPS-2020 Conference, University of Belgrade, Serbia, June 2021;
- University of Konstanz, Germany, January 2020;
- University of Cologne, Germany, January 2019;
- University of Düsseldorf, DCLPS Research Seminar, Germany, November 2018.
Lorenzo Spagnesi:
- 'Kant on Phenomenal Substance'. VI North American Kant Society Biennial. Mexico City, March 2023.
- 'Understanding, Truth, and Systematicity in Idealized Modeling'. Scientific Modeling and the Classic Tradition. NOVA University Lisbon, November 2022.
- 'Kant on Substance and Power'.
- UKKS Annual Conference 2022. King's College London, September 2022
- Essences, Dispositions, and Laws in Kant. Universität Trier, August 2022.
- 'Regulative Idealization: A Kantian Approach to Idealized Models'.
- British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference 2022. Exeter, July 2022.
- The Fourth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science. TU Berlin, August 2022.
- Metaphysics as Modeling. Contemporary and Kantian Issues. Universität Trier, October 2021.
- 'A Rule-based Account of the Regulative Use of Reason'. BSHP Annual Conference. University of Edinburgh. April 2022.
- 'The Necessity of Empirical Laws through the Lenses of Kant's Dialectic'. History of Philosophy Roundtable. UC San Diego. April 2022.
- 'Laws of Nature and Kinds of Matter in Kant's Philosophy of Nature.' Schlüsselbegriffe der Philosophie: Materie. Universität Trier, February 2022.
- 'The Regulative Use of Reason: From Transcendental Illusion to Ideas as Prescriptive Rules'. XVe Congrès International de la SEKLF. Università Cattolica (Milan), September 2021
- 'Regulative Idealization: A Kantian Approach to Idealized Models'. Metaphysics as Modeling. Contemporary and Kantian Issues. Universität Trier, October 2021.
- 'The Regulative Use of Reason: From Transcendental Illusion to Ideas as Prescriptive Rules'. XVe Congrès International de la SEKLF. Università Cattolica (Milan), September 2021.
Noah Stemeroff:
Bram Vaassen:
- 'No new problems with causal pairing' Philosophy of science colloquium, Hamburg University, June 2021
- ‘Dualist Mental Causation’ Mind, Language, and Metaphysics Postgrad Conference, Durham University, May 2021
- ‘Procedural Opacity and Applicant Autonomy’
- Technology and Work, KULeuven, February 2021
- Philosophy Colloquium, Umeå University, Februari 2021
- ‘Halfway Proportionality’,
- Causal Distinctions workshop, University of Cologne, October2020
- Philosophy Colloquium, Umeå University, October 2020